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NCEA Committees

Within NCEA members have the opportunity to serve on committees. The committees and duties for each specific area include:


  • Encourage local Extension units to meet or communicate regularly with County Supervisors/Commissioners, NU Regents, and State Senators, informing administration ahead of time on state level meetings.  Highlighting the goal of increasing awareness of Extension programming, providing programming updates, and building positive relationships.
  • Provide financial support of the Faculty Senate Schwartzkopf Fund
  • Provide representation of Extension Faculty to the UNL Faculty Senate by the NCEA Faculty Senators, and through weekly and monthly communication with University of Nebraska-Lincoln Administration.
  • Strive to promote Extension and support the 4-H program, both internally and externally.
  • Continue efforts to improve the fringe benefits of Nebraska Extension Assistants, Associates, and Educators.
  • Ensure that new employees are well versed in all UNL benefit provisions.
  • Maintain positive and open communication with the Dean and Director of Extension.

Audit and Budget

  • Review budget requests from all NCEA committees before the first Board of Directors meeting.
  • Develop a proposed budget using the requests from NCEA committees, present this document at the first Board of Directors meeting. 
  • Review and reconcile all NCEA accounts with bank statements before the books (Quicken files) are given to the new treasurer in years where a new treasurer is elected.  Otherwise, review the books once during a treasurer's term.
  • Assist the NCEA treasurer in preparing a financial position statement before the NCEA Annual Business Meeting. Committee on committees
  • Encourage all NCEA members to participate in a NCEA committee for a three year term.
  • Update the “NCEA Committee Goals” (committee members, goals, action plan, and budget) for the NCEA website.
  • Forward budget request to the Audit and Budget Committee
  • Maintain a list of members (alphabetical), with their committee assignments. Encourage each committee chair to post their list on the NCEA website and give the list to the NCEA Annual Conference registration table.
  • Assemble annual accomplishment reports from each committee to be submitted to the annual report for the Annual Conference.
  • At the NCEA Annual Conference, provide committee chairs with a current listing of their committee membership, their committee goals, and a committee planning form.
  • Develop a list of the incoming NCEA officers, committee chairs, section presidents, district reps, and specialists’ reps for the formal installation during the Annual Conference.


  • Work in conjunction with the UNL Access and Opportunity group to implement a professional development program for NCEA members.
  • Distribute a survey to determine audiences served by Nebraska Extension and those professionals within Nebraska Extension who are involved with the programming to diverse audiences.
  • Encourage conversations about diversity and the importance of programming to all Nebraskan’s by suggesting specific speakers be included at the NCEA Fall conference and, when held, Extension Administration’s Spring conference

Member Services

  • Connect with and welcome new Extension employees
  • Assign a NCEA mentor for all new Extension employees to help them learn how to navigate the UNL system, provide them guidance on how to get started and learn what to expect in their position, and to inform them of the activities of NCEA,
  • Organize a new member orientation to be held at NCEA Fall Conference,
  • Provide appropriate recognition to NCEA members upon receipt of various life events such as special honors, marriage, addition of children, illness, retirement, resignation or reduction in force, and death of an immediate family member,
  • Organize committee members to serve as local contacts in each Extension Engagement Zone and to notify the whole committee when a courtesy notice has been extended (for information and accountability),
  • Coordinate efforts with the Recognition Committee on congratulating retirees,
  • Extend courtesies in appropriate situations for people outside of extension (ie state senators, Extension administration).


  • Review the NCEA Constitution and By-Laws at least annually to make sure that they reflect the current needs of the organization,
  • Propose any changes to the Constitution and By-  Laws to the Board of Directors that the committee deems necessary,
  • Incorporate any changes to the constitution and by-laws that may have been approved at the NCEA Annual Meeting,
  • Ensure that the most current version of the constitution and by-laws are posted to the NCEA website.

Professional Improvement

  • Provide opportunities to network, share, learn, and expand professional horizons at the joint NCEA/Extension Fall Conference and when other opportunities may arise,
  • Work closely with the Extension Leadership Team to address conference evaluation comments to guide the conference schedule and program content,
  • Ensure the offering of professional improvement opportunities that are motivational, inspiring, and helpful through presentations as well as subject matter topics to assist in the work of Extension Professionals,
  • Provide ample time and an environment conducive to networking and the showcasing of program highlights though increased professional development opportunities.
  • Offer two ($500) NCEA scholarships for professional development in the spring and fall of each year,
  • Offer first-time attendee scholarships in the fall for NCEA members to attend the annual conference in a total amount of up to $2,000 among all first-timers based upon receipts turned in. 

Recognition and Awards

  • Coordinate a recognition and awards program by soliciting nominations and conferring awards to NCEA members and partners to include: Outstanding Mentor, Creative Programming by a Team, Creative Programming by an Individual, Outstanding Partner in Education,
  • Recognize at the annual meeting any retiring Extension employees for their contributions to UNL and the people of Nebraska


  • Upload information from the NCEA Historian to the NCEA website,
  • Collect NCEA section lists of DSA winners to upload to the NCEA website
  • Provide NCEA members professional development about the use of technology

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